Acesta este cadoul meu pentru Doina Limbean din jocul initiat de Csilla,Xmas Game.Din pacate ,pana acum nu am primit nicio veste de la Doina in ceea ce priveste primirea acestuia sau nu.
Oricum,obiectele realizate pentru ea le-am facut cu mare drag si am incercat sa reflecte cam tot ceea ce ma pasioneaza:crosetat,impletit,craft,scrapbooking,broderiela masina de brodat,broderie manuala.
Am confectionat un om de zapada cu bradut.Omul de zapada are fes si fular tricotat si prezinta un buzunarel cu broderie.In acesta am pus cateva floricele rosii.Brodutul are beteala aurie,iar globurile sunt paiete multicolore.
Am mai tricotat un fular negru pe care am aplicat niste flori satinate pe care am brodat manual mai multe motive.La terminatie fularul are ciucuri mari negrii.
Am mai confectinat de asemenea un sac pentru dulciuri cu broderie realizata la masina de brodat,dar si cu elemente brodate manual.In saculet am pus dulciuri pentru eventualii copii din casa.
Pentru ca imi place mult scrapbookingul am realizat o felicitare in acest stil,dar si un album pentru pentru a pune fotografiile realizate in aceasta perioada.
Sper ca Doinei sa ii faca placere cadoul trimis de mine si sa am cat mai curand vesti de la ea.
Kiss you

This is my gift to Doina Limbean in the game started by Csilla, Xmas Game. Unfortunately, so far not received any word from Doina in terms of receiving it or not.
However, objects made for her I've done with great love and tried to reflect my passionate about everything: lines, knitting, craft, scrapbooking, embroidery machine,manual embroidery .
I made a snowman with Christmas tree.Snowman has knitting scarf,hat poket with embroidery.In pocket I put some popcorn red garland .Tree has golden ornaments and the globes are multicolored sparkles.
I have knitting a black scarf that I applied some flowers that I hand embroidered satin more motive.La ending muffler is big black tassels.
I also confectinat a bag of sweets made from embroidery machine embroidery, but also with elements manual.In embroidered pouch I put sweets for any possible children of the house.
I love scrapbooking because I made a card than in this style, but an album to put photos taken during this period.
I hope Doina make them enjoy the gift sent to me and as soon as I heard news from she.
Kiss you