marți, 26 ianuarie 2010

Felicitari de primavara realizate handmade ...Spring cards

Acestea sunt cateva felicitari realizate de mine de curand ,avad ca tema venirea primaverii,dar si sarbatoarea Valentine Day...


These are same card realised by my for spring time and for Valentine Day...


marți, 19 ianuarie 2010

Primul meu quilt (Primavara pe taramul zanelor)...My first quilt(Spring in fairies land)

De mult imi doream sa realizez un quilt si iata ca am reusit...Nu am prea multe cunostinte in acest domeniu,chiar deloc asi putea spune,insa fermecata fiind de lucrurile facute de alte fete , de minunatiile care le-au iesit din maini,toate acestea m-au determinat sa incerc.
Pentru ca tot doream sa redecorez camera copiilor,m-am gandit ca acest prim quilt sa fie pentru ei.Si pentru ca in ultimul timp ii citesc muuuulte povesti lui David si ca atare in cap am numai zane ,mere de aur,palate si spiridusi ,m-am gandit ca tema quiltului sa fie " Primavara pe taramul zanelor".
Pentru realizarea acestui quilt am folosit elemente de broderie manuala,broderie la masina de brodat(designul broderiilor fiind de la Bunnycup si,pictura pe textil.


Always I wanted to make a quilt and here ... I think I didn't too much knowledge in this area, if at all I could say, but being charmed by things done by other girls, the wonders that have come out of the hands , however I was determined to try.
For all I wanted to redecorate the children's room, I thought that this first quilt to be for him. Because lately I read much stories of David and as such I have only fairies in head, golden apple, palaces and elves , I thought the quilt theme to be "Spring in fairies land".
To achieve this quilt af used items handmade embroidery, embroidery on embroidery machine (embroidery design is from Bunnycup and, painting on fabric.



luni, 11 ianuarie 2010

Iarasi premiata...Again awards

Se pare ca ploua cu premii pe blogul meu...De data aceasta cele care m-au premiat sunt Teresa,buna mea prietena din Brazilia si
Judy,aflata acum in Spania.Le multumesc mult celor doua pentru ca m-au nominalizat si pentru ca blogul meu se afla printre preferintele lor!

Premiile acestea doresc sa le ofer,de data aceasta,tuturor vizitatorilor blogului meu ,asigurandu-i pe acestia de toata pretuirea si consideratia mea.

It looks like raining awards on my blog ... This time I was nominated by Teresa from Brasil and Judy from Spain.Thank you very much because I was nominated and because my blog was among their preferences !

Awards they wish to offer, this time, all my blog visitors and ensuring them of all my esteem and consideration.


sâmbătă, 9 ianuarie 2010

Primul premiu in 2010...The first award in 2010

Nici n-am inceput bine anul si iata-ma premiata!Cea care s-a gandit sa-mi ofere acest frumos buchet de trandafiri este ochi_verzi
.Ii multumesc din suflet ca s-a gandit la mine si-l ofer si eu cu mare drag tuturor vizitatorilor acestui blog ,dar mai cu seama unor persoane atat de dragi mie :Heike ,Deni ,Marion ,Sandra ,Kathia ,Teresa ,Viola ,Maia ,Alessandra ,Doina ,Meda ,Ana ,Svea ,Janie ,Nikol ,Tatiana ,Anya
,Taced ,C.


I never started the year well and here I am awarded! One who thought to give me this beautiful bouquet of roses is ochi_verzi.
I thank from my heart to think of my and it provides me with great love and the visitors to the blog, but especially for Heike ,Deni ,Marion ,Sandra ,Kathia ,Teresa ,Viola ,Maia ,Alessandra ,Doina ,Meda ,Ana ,Svea ,Janie ,Nikol ,Tatiana ,Anya, Taced

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