Se spune ca de 31 octombrie, spiritele persoanelor care au murit in ultimul an se intorc pe pamant in cautarea unor corpuri vii pentru a le poseda pe perioada anului viitor.
Celtii considerau ca toate legile spatiului si timpului sunt intrerupte in aceasta zi, permitandu-le spiritelor sa interactioneze cu cei vii.
Cei vii nu doreau sa fie posedati. Astfel, in noaptea de 31 octombrie, satenii stingeau focurile din casele lor, pentru a le fi frig si pentru a deveni astfel nedoriti. Acestia se imbracau in tot felul de costume caraghioase si participau la parade galagioase in cartierul lor, incercand sa fie cat mai distructivi posibil pentru a speria spiritele ce veneau in cautarea celor vii.
In Romania Halloween pare sa fie sarbatorit de la an la an de un numar din ce in ce mai mare de persoane.In cinstea acestui eveniment am realizat si eu un ornament de interior:o coronita de toamna cu o fantoma...
Happy Halloween!

It is said that the October 31, the spirits of people who died last year return to earth in search of living bodies to possess them during the next year.
Celts believed all laws of space and time are broken on this day, allowing them to interact with the living spirits.
The living did not want to be possessed. Thus, on the night of October 31, villagers fighting fires in their homes, in order to be becoming so cold and unwanted. They are dressed in all kinds of funny costumes and participating in parades noisy in their neighborhood, trying to be as destructive as possible to scare away the spirits that came in search of the living.
Halloween in Romania seems to be celebrated every year by a number of increasingly large persoane.In honor of this event and I have made an interior decoration: a wreath of autumn with a ghost ...
Happy Halloween!