The Bicaz Canyon (Cheile Bicazului in Romanian, Békás-szoros in Hungarian) is one of the most spectacular places in Romania, located in the north-east part of the country, in Neamţ and Harghita counties. The canyon was dug by the waters of Bicaz River and it serves as a passageway between the Romanian provinces of Moldova and Transylvania. It is a noted location to see the wallcreeper, an uncommon cliff-dwelling bird. The road along the 8 kilometres of ravines, often in serpentines with rock on one side and a sheer drop on the other, is one of the most spectacular drives in the country.
Red Lake (Romanian: Lacul Roşu) or Killer Lake (Hungarian: Gyilkos-tó) is a lake in the Eastern Carpathians chain in Harghita County, Romania. The name of "Lacul Roşu" (Red Lake) comes from the reddish alluvia deposited in the lake by the Red Creek.
Have a great day,
olá Irina, meu nome é Rose Campana Murari. Eu moro no Brasil. Tenho 47 anos e 4 filhos (Paolo Jourdan de 24 anos, Bruno Giovanni de 23, Georgia Anastácia de 18 anos (girl), e Pedro Guilherme de 05 anos). Amei seu blog. Sua família é maravilhosa! Seus trabalhos são maravilhosos! Suas Cellular phone bags são muito lindas! Adorei ficar conhecendo seu blog. Eu faço crochet. Não sei se você gosta de trabalhos em crochet, mas se você quiser dar uma olhada em um dos meus endereços e me visitar, eu ficarei honrada com sua visita.
Rose Campana Murari
@Thank you Rose Campana Murari for your's visit!You made beautiful things too!
What an amazing place. I do have it in mind to visit Romania when I can, This would certainly be on my itinerary now!
These were wonderful shots of a fantastic place. Thanks for the tour of the gorgeous part of the world.
I now Romania is beautiful,
you let us see so many
pictures :)
I will once visit Romania,
its not far from The Netherlands.
Beautiful landscape and gorgeous children.
Thank you for sharing your pictures and visiting my blog. :)
Hi Irina !!!
Its been really great to get to know more about Romanian.
Its such a beautiful country!
You have very beautiful and happy kids!
Nice place for relaxing - enjoying breeze and having fun!
@Thank you all for visit...
Thanks Irina for nice photo.... Is very nice country......
the views are breathtaking. thanks for sharing and happy WW!
Great scenes from Romania! I hope to be there some day.
Superbe peisaje si minunata familie, asta e prima concluzie pe care o poti trage dupa ce privesti cu nesat pozele. You are so happy!!!!:)
Thank you for sharing these beautiful views from so far away. Makes the worlds seem smaller when we can enjoy a bit of someone else's part of it.
Quels jolis paysages! Merci de nous les faire découvrir!
Beautiful and Happy occasion.
@Thank you Deni for visit...Yes,Romania is a beautiful country!
@ Life Ramblings ,thank you for comming and Happy WW!
@Indrani,you have a beautiful country too!
@Asa e ,Tatiana ...Locurile acelea sunt absolut superbe!Multumesc!
@ Sukhmandir Kaur...Happy WW!
@ alexandra ...Merci beaucoup!Tu es tres gentile!
@Thnk you Tabib for your's visit!
Happy WW!
That is beautiful beyond words.
I see that we have to do a vacation trip down there.
We most def.missed out on something more than beautiful in the last 6 years, darn....
And you guys look like you have so much fun :D!
This is beautiful, spectacular scenery, Irina, and wonderful photos of it.
it all looks so beautiful. hope you had a nice time
Acum ma uitam si eu cu mami a mea la pozele astea superbe. Mami e din Miercurea-Ciuc si i s-a facut tare dor de oras si mai ales de imprejurimi...
Foarte frumoase pozele...
Cu drag,
Pisu si ai lui!
Breathtaking views! You have such beautiful kids. :p
Happy WW!
@Yes,Nicol, We have a vacation trip and kids have much fun...
@ Postcards from Wildwood,Thank you for your's visit and Happy WW!
@Tina,thank you!
@Pisu,ma bucur ca i-am facut o surpriza mamicii tale...Tin sa-ti spun ca esti un pisoi tare dragalas si haios.Pe curand!
@ Modern Mom ,thank you!
breathtaking views, it must be really fun out there.
Happy WW!
What great pictures. It looks like you had an awesome time. Happy WW and thanks for stopping by:)
Cât frumuseţe, draga mea!!!!!
Imaginile mi-au adus aminte de Valea Cernei, tare frumos este şi pe-acolo.
Vă îmbrăţişez pe toţi cu mare drag!
@Thank you and Happy WW!
@Thank you for your's visit!
@Buna Geanina!Pe Valea Cernei nu am ajuns,dar cred ca este foarte frumos si pe acolo...Tara noastra are multe locuri absolut mirifice...
Hi Irina,
thank you for the look in the beautiful country Romania. I don't know a lot of it. I have been there for a holiday one time, but it is such a long time ago, that I cannot remember. It is a pleasure to watch you pictures.
Greetings from Marion
@Welcome here Marion!You have a beautiful country too!
imi plac tare mult pozele,e o zona super,e de mult ca nu vizitez acele meleaguri,maica-mea e originara din Gheorgheni si din cind in cind ma duceam pe acolo....acum sint destul de departe si ma pot duce doar cu gindul!
salutari din Tenerife,
Ola! Irina
amiga!!que paisagem maravilhosa, que passeio fantático fizeste com sua família, acabei viajando junto com vocês, amei! as fotos continue postando, porque assim vamos conhecendo lugares diferentes.
Amiga, passa lá no meu blog, tem um prêmio pra você.
Bjos no coração,
Teresa Grazioli
Frumoase imagini!
Îmi place plimbari, calatorii, natura şi de bucurie că locuieşte în oameni şi că vine de la Dumnezeu.
Mă bucur să-ţi vizita pe blog. Sărutări!
@Multumesc de vizita ,Claudia!E bine si asa,ca poti calatori imaginar in niste locuri unde ai fost odata...
Thank you very much for all!
@Multumesc de vizita Kathia!Am ramas surprinsa de mesajul scris in romaneste...Chiar m-ai surprins!
Te imbratisez cu drag,
thank you for the wonderful virtual tour!
@Magiceye,thank you too!
Pozele de la lac imi amintesc de Lacul Sf Ana, unde am fost prin clasa a VII- a dar care mi-a ramas intaiparit in minte de parca ieri am fost acolo. E un peisaj infinit fascinant.pup
@ Tatiana,Romania are locuri absolut uimitoare pe care merita sa le vedem...
Te imbratisez,
Uitandu-ma la fotografiile tale, am reconstituit traseul urmat de noi in vacanta aceasta. Intr-adevar tara noastra are niste zone minunate, care merita vizitate.
Ai niste copii foarte frumosi. Felicitari pentru toate realizarile tale!
Am constatat ca am terminat aceeasi facultate,insa eu cu multi ani inaintea ta(1984).
@Doina,iti multumesc mult ca ai poposit aici!Intradevar, locurile vizitate de amandoua sunt minunate si tara aceasta ,din fericire ,mai are multe locuri de vis...
Sunt fericita ca o colega de breasla mi-a calcat pragul si te mai astept!
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